Monday 13 May 2013

0 Indian Sites Hacked By Muhammad Bilal & XeEk Haxor Pak Cyber Experts

     [#]Indian Sites Hacked By Muhammad Bilal & XeEk Haxor Pak Cyber Experts..!!

[!]Strucked by Bilal & x33k A.K.A v1ruX 4u


x33k A.K.A v1ruX 4u & Bilal was Here You Have been Hacked By Pakistani Hackers!!!

YES, Indian got STAMPED by PAKISTANI Hackers.

We Are Pakistani's You Know Who Are Pakistani's?
We Are That Nation Who Is Not Afraid Of Bombs Who Is Not Afraid Of Death
We Are that Nation who Is Not Afraid Of Drone Attacks
We Are That NATION
Who Defeated India Many Times In Wars !!
We Are That Nation Who Faced The Most Dangerous Earth Quack 2005 ...!!
We Are That Nation Who Faced Dangerous Water Flood In 2010, We Are That Nation To Whom Every Body Calls Terrorists,
We Are That Nation Who Lost Their Sisters Mothers!
Brothers In Many Bomb Blasts ! ....
We Are That Nation Which Have No Electricity, We Are That Nation Who Have No Food For 2 Times
~ Inspite Of These Difficulties We Are Not Less Than Anyone !! ~
We Are Telanted Nation, With Less Electricity We Are Defacing You. We Made Atom Bomb, We Got Many Oskar Awards, We Are The Most Brave Nation !! We Have Strong Army America Want Our Army For Their Defence 
Becuase They Have Timid And Coward Army

Ok Lets Come To The Main Point !! :D "You Just Got Hacked :P Don't Know How To Secure Shitts And Making Sites Huh!!" Now Next Time Keep Eye On Your cPanel | Domain | Your Admin Panel Becuase We Can In Again, Take Care...
This is A Pay back From Our Side of Hacking Pakistani Sites.. Backoff Lamers from our cyber space.. Everybody Knows whose cyber space is more vulnerable You will hack 1 we will hack thousands.. Bloody Lamers.. ./logout !!
We are Pak Cyber Experts We Are Peace Lovers But Don't Test Us
[#] Greets: |Shadow008 |H4xorL1f3|Evil-Dz H4xOr|iMMi H4xor
|Sufyan|MadCode H4xor|Khiladi786|You knowho|Xero Ex
|iluminador|D33p4k Haxor|Danger Bhai|Virus Attacker
|S!alk0t! HaX0R|B4ckd00r5p!d3r|
|KASHMIRI Haxor |Dr-SiLent|Hacking Master|Ag3nT H3X
|Samx Skullx|Green Smoke|Tig3r Bh4i|MJ-Mirza Jahanzaib Iqbal|
 |9mmm cheema ak 47 |Haxor 786| F4rh4n 4r5sh4d |RSB |1337|
Hitcher|Haxor Hussain|Hunt3r Khan|Anonymous Pakistan
|PHC|PCP|Pak Cyber Army|
|Madleets|Anonghost|MCA|MCS|VOBHH|Algerian Hackers..

[#] Contact:


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